What We Do
At MbomvuSWIFT Security we are dedicated in solving all your business security needs by providing our unique strategic approach security solution to meet your specific business requirements. We offer our clients the following wide range of security services and solutions:
Residential Services
We have services specific for residential areas.
- Estate Security Solutions
- High-Tech Alarm Systems
- Access Control
- Electric Fencing
- 24-hour CCTV Monitoring
- Escort Service
- 24-hour Armed Response
Commercial Services
Securing your commercial property is a priority.
- Professional Commercial Guarding Services
- Risk Management Analysis
- Access Control
- Electric Fencing
- 24-hour CCTV Monitoring
- 24-hour Armed Response
- Bodyguard Service
Industrial Services
We offer critical industry related security measures our clients need to put in place and make use of.
- Risk Management Analysis
- Electric Fencing
- 24-hour CCTV Monitoring
- 24-hour Armed Response
- Undercover guards
- Eviction Service